Pro-Russian sentiments play a key role in today's reality, Ukraine’s Antikor anticorruption portal has said in its report into the Ukrainian head of a Polish NGO who was recently expelled from the Schengen Area.
Events and opinions
Analysts say opposition is purged in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan whenever there is a perceived threat.
Since assuming power, Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken many steps to reshape his country, de-emphasizing growth to build a more sustainable economy and engaging in more proactive diplomacy. He has also been rewriting political rules to establish himself as a strongman.
First-of-its-kind courtroom testimony here has corroborated allegations that the Chinese government has built a network of internment camps in western China where Muslim minorities are held without charge for “reeducation.”
China’s brutal crackdown in its north-western province of Xinjiang and growing questions about the dark side of some of its Belt and Road investments is fuelling anti-Chinese sentiment, prompting some countries to explore ways to chart an independent course, and feeding into the narratives of rising populist leaders.
Three years after recovering from an attempt on his life, journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov ditched his day job and began running a business.
Secretive "re-education camps" allegedly holding hundreds of thousands of people in a Muslim-majority region in western China are the focus of an explosive court case in Kazakhstan, testing the country's ties with Beijing.
The term “pan-Turkism,” which carried a similarly ominous meaning as “enemy of the people” under Joseph Stalin and his Soviet successors, has become a strong component of Kazakhs’ search for national identity ever since their country achieved independence more than a quarter of a century ago.
A major element of China's continent-spanning Belt and Road Initiative has nothing to do with roads, ports or power plants. Rather, the "Digital Silk Road" aims to construct communications networks across the developing world.
After a slow start to 2018, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement activity increased in the second quarter, raising the potential for a banner year in FCPA-related penalties collected.
- Xinjiang: Pan-Turkism Fuels China’s Hearts-And-Minds Campaign – Analysis
- Modernising authoritarianism in Uzbekistan
- Kazakhstan Opens Astana International Financial Center In Hopes To Become Eurasian Finance Hub
- Analysis: Why All The Worry In Kazakhstan?
- Kyrgyz Court OKs Extradition Of Kazakh Activist Despite 'Risk Of Torture'

Experts of the Committee against Torture Commend Kazakhstan for Enhanced Legislation
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Kazakh official: Not the time to resolve differences through war
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