Monthly Archive

September 2011

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 21 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions

UK authority considering ENRC board application -FT

(Reuters) - The UK Listing Authority (UKLA) is considering an application by Alexander Mashkevich, the billionaire co-founder of Eurasian Natural Resources Corp, to join the ENRC board (ENRC.L), the F read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Kasachen-Affäre: Ex-Leibwächter belastet Alijew

Der untergetauchte Ex-Botschafter Kasachstans in Wien soll selbst gefoltert haben. Zu den Misshandlungen sei es gekommen, weil Alijew Druck auf die Leibwächter des unliebsamen Herausforderers habe aus... read more..

2 min read

BTA Bank Ex-Chair Ablyazov Says Georgian Stake 'Expropriated'

Mukhtar Ablyazov, ex-chairman of Kazakhstan's BTA Bank, asked a U.K. judge to order the lender to hand over documents explaining how his personal stake in the bank's Georgian subsidiary was sold witho... read more..


Iran to Increase Oil Swap Volume With Central Asia, Shana Says

Iran plans to gradually boost the volume of its oil swaps with Central Asian countries, the oil ministry's news website, Shana reported, citing Mohsen Qamsari, head of international affairs at the Nat... read more..

Events and opinions
6 min read

Kazakhstan simmers as striking oil workers sacked

Angry protestors gather every day in the main square in the Kazakh town of Zhanaozen in a rare display of popular dissent. Many of them used to work at Uzen, one of Kazakhstan's largest oilfields, but... read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

Is Kazakhstan now an enemy of the internet?

Kazakh internet users have been angered by a ban on access to 51 international websites that the Prosecutor General's Office claims are promoting terrorism and extremism.   The ban, announced... read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

NY Fashion Week cancels show by Uzbek leader's daughter

(Reuters) - The organizers of New York Fashion Week have canceled a planned show by the designer daughter of Uzbekistan's leader Islam Karimov, who has been accused of human rights abuses.   read more..

Events and opinions

Kulibayev reiterates intention to stay clear of politics

(SRI) - Head of the state-owned holding and investment company Samruk-Kazyna Timur Kulibayev reiterated on Wednesday that he has no intentions to enter politics, the Kazakhstan-Novosti news agency rep read more..

Events and opinions
4 min read

Kazakhstan: Astana Confronts Extremist Threat

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, seen here on Sept. 1 visiting with children during a trip to the Kyzylorda region in western Kazakhstan, vows to clamp down on extremism following a suicide bomb... read more..

Events and opinions

OSCE Delegation Visits Jailed Kazakh Rights Defender

A delegation from the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has met with imprisoned Kazakh human rights defender ... read more..

Events and opinions
7 min read

Kasachen-Krimi um Alijew: amtliche Fluchthilfe?

Schadenersatz für Folteropfer, Rätsel in Aktenvermerken In die Causa des international gesuchten Kasachen Rachat Alijew kommt etwas Bewegung. Ein Wiener Bezirksgericht erlässt einen Zahlungsbefehl ... read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

Alijew muss Schmerzensgeld zahlen

  Der ehemalige Botschafter Kasachstans in Österreich, Rachat Alijew, muss einem seiner ehemaligen Leibwächter, der ihm Entführung und Folter vorwirft, Schadenersatz zahlen. Die Höhe beläuft s read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Alijew soll für Folter zahlen

Der Ex-Leibwächter des ehemaligen kasachischen Botschafters in Wien fordert 7000 Euro Schmerzengeld.   Wien – Entführung und Folter – das wirft der ehemalige Leibwächter von Rakhat Alijew seine... read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

EHEMALIGER BOTSCHAFTER Alijew muss Opfern Geld zahlen

Rechtsanwalt feiert "symbolischen" Erfolg vor Gericht Wien - In der Causa rund um Rachat Alijew kämpfen die beteiligten Rechtsanwälte verbissen weiter - und reklamieren jede Entscheidung einer Behörd... read more..


Kazakh state-owned TV channel ends Russian-language broadcasting

(SRI) - The state-owned "Kazakhstan" TV channel dropped all Russian-language broadcasting as of September 1, Interfax reported on Friday. According to a reporter of the TV channel's abolished Russi read more..

2 min read

Kazakhstan: Here Comes the Bride – As Long as the Groom’s Not Chinese

Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is fond of vaunting tolerance and ethnic harmony as among his country’s greatest achievements -- but it seems that for some of his citizens tolerance does... read more..

Events and opinions
1 min read

Strikes hit production at Karazhanbasmunai

(SRI) - Karazhanbasmunai, a Kazakh-Chinese joint venture developing the Karazhanbas oil field in western Kazakhstan, said on Thursday its production losses resulting from a long-lasting strike amounte read more..

Political process
2 min read

Kazakh head wants tougher laws to counter extremism

The spread of religious extremism threatens stability in mainly Muslim Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said on Thursday, urging parliament to adopt tougher laws on migration and religious a... read more..

4 min read

South Korea deepens role in Central Asia

MONTREAL - South Korea President Lee Myung-bak returned home last week from a tour of Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan that helped to raise his country's profile and project its foreign economic di... read more..

Political process
2 min read

Russian authorities complete investigation of BTA’s fraudulent real estate deal in Moscow

(SRI) - Russia’s Interior Ministry has completed a preliminary investigation of several Russian businessmen accused of being involved in a $730-million fraud scheme surrounding land deals of Kazakhsta read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Alijew muss zahlen: Schmerzensgeld für Leibwächter

Der ehemalige Botschafter Kasachstans in Österreich, Rakhat Alijew (Bild), muss einem seiner Ex-Leibwächter, der ihm Entführung und Folter vorwirft, Schadenersatz zahlen. Dies geht aus einem vollstrec... read more..

Results 1 - 21 of 21