Monthly Archive

May 2013

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 25 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions
3 min read

Il-każ dwar Rakhat Aliyev - "Se nappellaw…"

  Wara li l-Qorti ċaħdet it-talba li preżentaw tliet persuni mill-Kazakistan, Satzahn Ibraev, Tyotr Afanasenko u Akezhan Kazhegldin, fejn talbu lill-Kummisarju tal-Pulizija biex jieħu passi kont read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

The case of Rakhat Aliyev - “We will appeal…”

  After the court rejected the plea made by three people from Kazakhstan, Satzahn Ibraev, Tyotr Afanasenko and Akezhan Kazhegldin, where they requested the Commissioner of Police to take action read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Kazakhstan Proposes to Expand its Transit Facilities on the Caspian to Facilitate NATOs Withdrawal from Afghanistan

  Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev opened the third ministerial meeting of the so-called Istanbul process, an international initiative for reconstructing and stabilizing Afghanistan in read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

High Court forces the sale of fugitive tycoon’s £41m homes

  Three homes worth more than £41 million formerly owned by a billionaire fraudster are on the market after a High Court ruling. They include the £20 million Carlton House on Hampstead's "B read more..

Events and opinions
9 min read

The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks

  Washington institutions esteemed for their independent scholarship don't disclose donations from corporations and foreign governments. The Center for American Progress, Washington's leadi read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Kazakh bank BTA to sell fugitive ex-chairman's luxury UK homes

  Creditors in a Kazakh bank are poised to see the first proceeds from a four-year court battle against its former chairman, a fugitive oligarch accused of embezzling $6.0 billion.   &nbs read more..

3 min read

Maltese court says police has jurisdiction to investigate torture allegations against Kazakh exile living in Malta

Maltese court says police has jurisdiction to investigate torture allegations against Kazakh exile living in Malta. A United States congressman has asked the European Commission to investigate read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

UN Implicates Azerbaijan, Kazakhstani In North Korea Arms Embargo Violations

  A United Nations report has implicated Azerbaijan and a Kazakhstan airline executive in violations of arms embargos against North Korea. The Associated Press acquired the report, to the U.N. S read more..

16 min read

America's Geopolitical Nightmare and Eurasian Strategic Energy Arrangements

  By drawing attention to Iraq and the obvious role oil plays in US policy today, the Bush-Cheney administration has done just that: They have drawn the world's energy-deficit powers' attention read more..

12 min read

Central Asia, Washington and Beijing Energy Geo-politics

  On December 15, the state-owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) inaugurated an oil pipeline running from Kazakhstan to northwest China. That pipeline will undercut the geopolitical signi read more..

10 min read

Washington is Playing a Deeper Game with China

  After the tragic events of July 5 in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China, it would be useful to look more closely into the actual role of the US Government’s ”independent“ NGO, the Nati read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Magistrate turns down request for police investigation of Rakhat Aliyev

  Lawyers wanted courts to force police to investigate former Kazakh diplomat exiled in Malta over torture and human rights abuses.       Magistrate Antonio Mizzi& read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Why Did Kazakhstan Give Up Its Nukes?

  When Kazakhstan became independent 22 years ago and inherited some of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons, it decided to give them up. If you follow Kazakhstan at all, you know this because Kaz read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Budapest to build up trade and economic dialogue with Asian countries - Hungarian President

  Today Nurbakhyt Rustemov, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Hungary, has presented credentials to Janos Ader, the President of Hungary, the read more..

Events and opinions
4 min read

Kein Gewinn unter dieser Nummer. Wie Zuseher abgezockt wurden und die Telekom 46 Millionen Euro versenkte.

  Die leicht bekleidete Blondine zählt den Countdown schon zum x-ten Mal herunter. Am Geldband ziehen überdimensionierte Euroscheine vorbei, 40.000 Euro sind schon im Jackpot und keiner ruft an. read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

A Kazakh horror show nears its ending

  State seeks bailed-out bank sales; mooted deals get mixed reception. Four years after being nationalized and restructured by the Kazakh government, a trio of troubled Kazakh lenders are eyeing read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakh Muslim Union moves to put life-long presidents to death

  Kazakhstan's controversial Muslim Union and Muslim Committee on Humans Rights in Central Asia have proposed to set an age limit for the country's future presidents to 80 years and put to death read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Palast on the Steppes of a Dictatorship

  The title of Greg Palast's piece, "Boston, Bombs and Borat: From Kazakhstan with Truth," initially posted online on April 28th immediately struck an intriguing note. After all, it's not very o read more..

3 min read

ENRC founders made good in Kazakhstan

  The most surprising thing about the founding trio of Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation – which controls some of Kazakhstan's most important assets – is that none is a native Kazakh. &nbs read more..

2 min read

Russian Banks to Back Bid for Eurasian Natural Resources - Report

  Two Kremlin-controlled banks are planning to back a bid for U.K.-listed Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. PLC (ENRC.LN), the Sunday Times said. VTB Bank (VTBR.RS) and OAO Sberbank (SBER.RS read more..

3 min read

Kazakhstan looks favorably on Chinese campaign for Central Asian oil

  Recently, Kazakhstan's Oil and Gas Minister Sauat Mynbayev finally confirmed China's interest in becoming involved in one of the world's most expensive energy projects ever at the Kashagan oil read more..

5 min read

China Claims a Share in Kashagan, Kazakhstan Confirms

  On April 16, Kazakhstan's Oil and Gas Minister Sauat Mynbayev made a statement that drew much attention from both domestic and international media and should certainly have been widely comment read more..

Terror in Kazakhstan!
9 min read

Friends helped destory bombing evidence

  After two Kazakh students are charged with disrupting the investigation into the Boston bombing, residents from Kazakhstan defend their compatriots. The surviving Boston Marathon bombing read more..

Terror in Kazakhstan!
4 min read

Kazakhstan: Golden Youth Gone Wild

  The two students –Dias Kadyrbaev and Azamat Tazhayakov -- are facing federal charges that they obstructed the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 by allegedly disposing read more..


China already controls almost 40 percent of Kazakhstan’s hydrocarbon assets, KazTAG reports citing Indian media.

  "With China having already cornered about 40 per cent of this country's hydrocarbon assets, India's assessment is that it can get a chunk of the remaining portion if New Delhi plays its politi read more..

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