
Budapest to build up trade and economic dialogue with Asian countries - Hungarian President


Today Nurbakhyt Rustemov, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Hungary, has presented credentials to Janos Ader, the President of Hungary, the press service of the Kazakh Embassy in Hungary reports.


As part of the conversation, the sides highly appreciated the achieved level of the political dialogue. The crucial role of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the process of development of Kazakh-Hungarian cooperation was mentioned as well. The Kazakh diplomat also pointed out the success of his visit to Budapest in 2007 which laid a solid foundation for building a full-scale interoperability. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister, last year visit to Astana identified new horizons for the deepening of mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.


Kazakhstan considers Hungary as a reliable partner in the area the European Union. Astana, with special appreciation received consistent support of Kazakhstan applications to chair the OSCE and the "Expo-2017". Further evidence of the high level of cooperation between the two countries was the recent decision of the Hungarian authorities to assign one of the avenues of Budapest the title "Boulevard of Astana".


The head of the Hungarian State marked the increased authority of Kazakhstan in the international arena as well as the uniqueness of Kazakhstan's model of economic development.


Hungarian President noted with satisfaction the positive development of bilateral ties corresponding to the total atmosphere of constructive partnership. In particular, Janos Ader said that the course to enhance the dialogue with Astana is consolidated with the Hungarian Government implementing a policy of "global discovery" in which Budapest is going to increase trade and economic dialogue with Asian countries.


During the meeting the President of Hungary acquainted with the political and economic situation in our country, the implementation of democratic reforms outlined in the "Kazakhstan-2050 “Strategy", the key foreign policy initiatives of the international arena.



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