Monthly Archive

February 2014

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 16 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions
10 min read

Kazakhstan – the succession

President Nazarbayev has turned Kazakhstan into a Central Asian powerhouse. He is 73, and shows no sign of giving up the reins. But there are riches at stake, and people waiting in the wings. K read more..

Events and opinions
8 min read

A Dictator's Guide to Urban Design

Ukraine is the size of Texas, but for the last three months its burgeoning protest movement has largely crowded into the space of 10 city blocks. The name for the movement itself, Euromaidan, is a neo... read more..

3 min read

Crisis puts sovereign funds under pressure to keep assets liquid

  Caught in an emerging market storm, some resource-rich states may keep more windfall income in liquid assets, ready to aid their economies, rather than locked up in strategic investment for fu read more..

Political process
4 min read

Why Can't The Former Soviet Republics Figure Out Democracy?

The Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 years ago, yet genuine democracy is still a stranger in most of the 15 former republics. Ukraine, where at least 25 people were killed on Tuesday, is just the read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

Betting on the Next Oil Boom? You're Grasping at Straws

Unplanned interruptions in the global oil supply chain last year were about 30 percent higher than in 2013, the U.S. Energy Department said. Much of the problem was blamed on Libya, though sputtering ... read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

Kazakhstan's leader orders raid on oil fund to support growth

  Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev ordered officials on Friday to raid the country's strategic oil reserve and slash banks' bad loans, stamping his authority on the economy in an ef read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Nazarbayev Urges Kazakh Wage Increases After Devaluation

  Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev urged metals and oil producers such as Kazakhmys Plc (KAZ) and Glencore Xtrata Plc's Kazzinc to increase salaries by 10 percent after the tenge was devalu read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Mutmaßliche Aliyev-Opfer im Media Quarter

  Wien. Knapp drei Stunden vor einer Pressekonferenz zur Causa des früheren Botschafters Kasachstans in Wien, Rakhat Aliyev, wurde diese abgesagt. Nicht vom Veranstalter der Pressekonferenz, dem read more..

2 min read

Mysteriöser Todesfall rund um mutmaßliche Alijew-Opfer

Der kasachische Unternehmer Sotkimbaev hätte morgen in Wien über den Fall von Kasaschstans früheren Österreich-Botschafter sprechen sollen. Wien. Drei mutmaßliche Opfer von Rachat Alijew erheben ... read more..

4 min read

Kazakh President Sees ‘Serious’ Oil at Blighted Kashagan in 2014

  Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev said he expects "serious" output from the nation's largest oil deposit this year after waiting almost half his 23 years in office for the $48 billion read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Nazarbayev Considers Fifth Term to Extend Longest Ex-Soviet Rule

  Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said he may extend the longest reign of any former Soviet leader by running for a fifth term in 2016. "There definitely will be a transition of power read more..

Events and opinions
4 min read

Kazakhstan: Retrial Fails to Put Political Killing to Rest

  The retrial in Kazakhstan of a man convicted of the 2006 murder of a leading opposition leader was supposed to fill in blanks left by the initial proceedings. Instead, it reopened old wounds f read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

China buys Lukashenka from Putin

  Belarus becomes Beijing's main bridgehead in Europe. The influential magazine Business New Europe writes about it. "Russia spent the end of last year battling the EU for control over Ukra read more..

Events and opinions

Father of Boston bomber's alleged helper stripped of mandate

The father of a student from Kazakhstan who is accused of obstructing justice in the United States over the Boston bombings has been stripped of his seat on a city council in the Central Asian nation.... read more..

Events and opinions
3 min read

Give Malta Your Tired and Huddled, and Rich

  Having been besieged by the Ottomans, and ruled over the centuries by foreign invaders from the Greeks to the Romans to Napoleon, the tiny Mediterranean island nation of Malta has seen plenty read more..

Events and opinions
2 min read

Ecuador former police chief Edgar Vaca arrested in the US

  Police in the United States have arrested former Ecuadorean police commander Edgar Vaca, who is accused of human rights abuses. The interior minister in Quito issued a statement saying th read more..

Results 1 - 16 of 16