Monthly Archive

August 2011

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 13 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions
2 min read

Succeeding in Kazakhstan

(bne) - When Nursultan Nazarbayev won April's Kazakh presidential election with a resounding majority, the issue of who would suceed the septuagenarian appeared to have been put on the backburner for read more..

Events and opinions
4 min read

Kazakhstan: Labor Unrest Denting Astana’s Economic Image

Mangistau, an oil-rich region on the Caspian Sea, is sometimes described as the motor of Kazakhstan's vibrant economy. These days, it is also a hotbed of social tension.   Labor unrest involv... read more..

2 min read

Kazakhstan makes progress in building upon oil wealth; needs to further diversify economy - IMF

(SRI) - Kazakhstan's oil wealth has had a positive effect on economic growth but the country needs to step up its efforts to develop other sectors of the economy, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) read more..

3 min read

1-ENRC needs tough outside voices if founder joins board

LONDON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Kazakh miner ENRC will need to bring robust independent voices onto its board to remain attractive for minority shareholders if one of its founders decides to seek a more ac... read more..


Former Top Kazakh Official Under Investigation

ASTANA -- Kazakh financial police have launched a criminal investigation against a former top official who is currently living in Switzerland, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reports.   Zhandos Omira... read more..

Political process
2 min read

Kazakhstan blocks "extremist" foreign Internet sites

ALMATY (Reuters) - A court in Kazakhstan ruled on Friday to block access to 13 foreign Internet sites, including the popular blogging service LiveJournal, saying they were propagating terrorism and in... read more..

Political process

Striking Oil Workers' Leader Sentenced In Kazakhstan

AQTAU, Kazakhstan -- A leader of the striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan has been sentenced to a one-year suspended jail term, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reports.   Aizhangul Amirova, a m... read more..

Political process
2 min read

PROFILE: Aset Isekeshev - Minister of Industry and New Technologies, Deputy Prime Minister

(SRI) - Aset Isekeshev, one of Kazakhstan's most influential politicians, serves as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and New Technologies.   In the last two years, Isekeshev read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Land seizures in China's Kashgar fuel anger among Uighurs

KASHGAR, China (Reuters) - Uighur merchant Obul Kasim carries emotional scars from his confrontation with an unbending government after he failed to save his 100-year-old mud-brick home from demolitio... read more..

Political process
2 min read

U.S. rights body urges release of Kazakh lawyer

ALMATY (Reuters) - The U.S.-based human rights body Freedom House has demanded the immediate release from prison of a Kazakh labor lawyer, saying trumped-up accusations were used to punish her for sup... read more..

Events and opinions
6 min read

Vertrieben aus Almaty

Serik Medetbekov, einst Medienmanager in Kasachstan, lebt heute in Dresden und ist Sprecher oppositioneller Kräfte im Ausland.    Der Mann sieht aus wie 40, ist aber schon 50. Seine ange... read more..

Events and opinions
6 min read

Wegschauen und Zeit verlieren

Eine schillernde Vita und schwerwiegende Anschuldigungen: Jahrelang weigerten sich Österreichs Behörden, gegen Rachat Alijew zu ermitteln, obwohl ein kasachisches Gericht ihn in Abwesenheit wegen Folt... read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Key political risks to watch in Kazakhstan

ALMATY Aug 1 (Reuters) - Kazakhstan's veteran leader was easily re-elected in April to lead Central Asia's largest economy until 2016, but his brief trip abroad for medical reasons in July reignited a... read more..

Results 1 - 13 of 13