Monthly Archive

August 2017

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 8 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions
5 min read

Musings On The Current Crop Of Dictators – OpEd

Corruption comes in different forms. Corruption for money and wealth is a pervasive one. In politics, another kind of corruption is prevalent – the lust for power. Initially, political leaders ask... read more..

Events and opinions
8 min read

Central Asia’s Catechism of Cliché: From the Great Game to Silk Road

When people ponder the history of Central Asia, they tend to have two ideas in mind – that the region has long been the subject of great power rivalry, known since the 19th century as the ‘Great Game,... read more..

Events and opinions
5 min read

Kazakhstan: Jailed Journalist a Pawn in a Political Game

In the months before his arrest, Kazakhstani journalist Zhanbolat Mamay knew something was up. Writing on his Facebook account on December 6, he reported finding his car, which was parked outside h... read more..

4 min read

The Diamond Club: Belgium’s True Lawmakers

Antwerp World Diamond Centre , Servais Verherstraeten, Axel Haelterman, Raf Verstraeten, Catherine Degoul, Patokh Chodiev, diamonds, Kazakhgate On 14 April 2011, the Belgian Parliament voted a law ... read more..

6 min read

How Propaganda Works: The First Kazakhgate

In August 1999, 5 people met at the Royal Hotel in Paris: Bulat Utemuratov, a Kazakh oligarch and the right hand of Kazakhstan’s strongman Nursultan Nazarbayev, Gregory Lutchansky, a Russian oliga... read more..

27 min read

Trump’s Business of Corruption

What secrets will Mueller find when he investigates the President’s foreign deals? President Donald Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow recently told me that the investigation being led by Robert Mueller,... read more..

5 min read

A grasping moneybags without shame or honour: STEPHEN GLOVER on how Tony Blair crossed a line that even he had previously respected during his time as a peace envoy

The determination of Tony Blair and his wife Cherie to enrich themselves to the tune of tens of millions of pounds over the past decade has been one of the most unedifying spectacles of British public... read more..

Events and opinions
11 min read

‘Our Future Will Be Violent Extremism’

Kazakhstan — Central Asia’s most stable state — is waking up to the fact that Islamic extremism has planted its roots and is here to stay. AKTOBE, Kazakhstan — A quiet Sunday morning came to an end... read more..

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