Monthly Archive

October 2011

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 10 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions

Oil rich dictator of Kazakhstan recruits Tony Blair to help win Nobel peace prize

  The autocratic leader of oil rich Kazakhstan has recruited Tony Blair as an adviser, believing the former Prime Minister can help him win the Nobel Peace prize.   President Nursultan read more..

Events and opinions

Tony Blair adds Kazakhstan to his growing list of business clients

  Tony Blair has set up an "advisory group" to help the authoritarian regime of Kazakhstan implement economic reforms.   Tony Blair may have lost one dictator friend with the death of C read more..

Special projects

Kazakhstan not ready to join EU-backed gas pipelines

  (SRI) - Kazakhstan currently does not have sufficient gas capacity to join the proposed Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, Kazakhstan's Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbayev said on Thursday, the Ka read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakh Oil Giant Denies Talks With Striking Workers

  ZHANAOZEN, Kazakhstan -- Managers at a Kazakh oil and gas company are denying reports that talks have begun with striking oil workers, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reports.   In a press re read more..

Special projects

Kazakhstan welcomes Putin's Eurasian Union concept

  Governments in the West may have read with alarm that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wanted to build a Eurasian Union out of the former Soviet bloc but in Kazakhstan the news was welcom read more..


Government ready to inject cash into BTA Bank if needed - Kulibayev

  (SRI) - The government is ready to inject more funds into BTA Bank if required, Timur Kulibayev, head of the state-owned holding and investment company Samruk-Kazyna, said on Wednesday, Bloomb read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakhstan bans communist opposition party ahead of election

  A Kazakhstan court on Wednesday placed a temporary ban on the opposition Communist Party, removing the ruling government's most powerful competitor from running ahead of long-awaited parliamen read more..

Events and opinions

Putin’s Eurasian Union: what’s in it for Kazakhstan?

  Vladimir Putin has outlined a grand vision to create a Eurasian Union of former Soviet states to compete with the European Union and China.   But what does this mean for oil-rich Kazakh read more..

Events and opinions

Russia: Moscow Strives to Clarify Vision for Central Asian Alliance

Russian officials think the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a bloc of friendly ex-Soviet republics, can develop into a security grouping on par with NATO. But recent CSTO military exercises s... read more..

Events and opinions

In Post-Soviet Central Asia, Russian Takes A Backseat

  In the 20 years since the Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union became independent, the influence of the Russian language has been declining in these countries.   Just two decad read more..

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