
The Aliyev Dossier

Book cover Godfather-In-Law by Rakhat Aliyev

This dossier is probably a result of Aliyev‘s recent book publication „Godfather-In-Law“. The authors of this essay decided to publish a text quite different to the above mentioned book, because ETG‘s impression of R. Aliyev is in total contrast to the picture, he is trying to paint in his publication: Dr. Aliyev is not the reformer of Kazakh society and the political system he claims to be.




Since 2006, even as Ambassador to Austria and the International Organizations in Vienna, Aliyev tried to silence down ETG, after we published details of his criminal „Black Raider“ system. This year, Aliyev tries to sue us before a German court, mainly because we republished newspaper articles regarding his case on our web site.


Although the reader could get the impression, that this publication is a kind of private war against Aliyev and his system, this is not true. The main reason for this publication is to show the Western public, how a criminal mind from Kazakhstan, more or less successfully, is playing a role as a reformer and democratic head of Kazakh society and politics here in the West and how Western authorities, mainly the intelligence branch, is using him for their own benefit.


ETG is well aware of the fact that an extradition to Kazakhstan and a new trial against him would not be the right decision, in fact a court in Kazakhstan would not act objective and independent. The Austrian law in fact gives the opportunity to put him on trial in Vienna, investigating independently the accusations against him. This would be a realistic opportunity for speaking justice, for the victims and the family members of them, who still don‘t know whether their relatives are still alive or not.


For this publication, ETG used its information sources inside Kazakhstan, mainly our correspondents, but also official documents that are reliable, and witnesses, who know the Aliyev system very well. ETG also used its contacts and information sources from governments and authorities in Austria, China, Russia, the United States and United Kingdom, in order to complete the picture.


Download the Aliev Dossier


Eurasian Transition Group is a Western European non-profit research and policy institute, created in recognition of the need for independent, in-depth analysis of the complex issues involved in promoting stability and prosperity in Central Asia.


ETG‘s experienced and multidisciplinary team is committed to provide policy makers with relevant strategic analysis.


The efforts of ETG depend on the contributions of governments, corporations and private individuals to fund its activities.


ETG Roettgener Str. 90 53127 Bonn Germany T +49-228-22759129


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