

Timeline: The Clintons, The Russians, And Uranium

bc16d6d0 7093 46b6 9a42 d2fb08824941news.ap.orgI created most of this timeline more than two years ago but with the recent revelations about Russian bribery and extortion efforts within the U.S., I thought it was time for an update.


Russian Money Talks. America Was All Ears.

800x 1A rekindled nuclear scandal shows how Russia exports corruption to the West.


Stop cooperating with Kazakhstan in Aliyev case, court tells government

c51a9726fe2474fdd7242351e7b4443e0ebd799f 1507557725 59db815d 620x348Former ambassador and dissident died in detention in 2015


Will He Step Down? Mugabe Now The World’s Oldest Head Of State

mugabe saddestTerrence Mawawa The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, this week became the third longest serving non-royal ruler in the world replacing Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos who stepped down.


The Azerbaijani Laundromat

azerbaijanilaundromatThe Azerbaijani Laundromat is a complex money-laundering operation and slush fund that handled $2.9 billion over a two-year period through four shell companies registered in the UK.


Europol Urges EU Financial Agencies to Enhance Money Laundering Investigations

telechargementEuropol called Tuesday for tighter money laundering control saying in 2014 banks had reported one million suspicious transactions to authorities but only 10 percent of them were investigated.


How Propaganda Works: The First Kazakhgate

db55bbd0 1ff5 47aa bb72 b7fb9bbdc82eIn August 1999, 5 people met at the Royal Hotel in Paris: Bulat Utemuratov, a Kazakh oligarch and the right hand of Kazakhstan’s strongman Nursultan Nazarbayev, Gregory Lutchansky,


Trump’s Business of Corruption

05w14wzeofdm4 1892What secrets will Mueller find when he investigates the President’s foreign deals?


A grasping moneybags without shame or honour: STEPHEN GLOVER on how Tony Blair crossed a line that even he had previously respected during his time as a peace envoy

tonyblaircheThe determination of Tony Blair and his wife Cherie to enrich themselves to the tune of tens of millions of pounds over the past decade has been one of the most unedifying spectacles of British public life.


Now Under the Nazarbayev Brand: Astana's Airport nazarbayev nazarbayev 386x225Kazakhstan renamed Astana’s international airport after the first and current president of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Experts of the Committee against Torture Commend Kazakhstan for Enhanced Legislation

Experts of the Committee against Torture Commend Kazakhstan for Enhanced Legislation

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Kazakh official: Not the time to resolve differences through war

Kazakh official: Not the time to resolve differences through war

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Oil majors sued by Kazakh government over billions in revenue

Oil majors sued by Kazakh government over billions in revenue

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