
Black Raiders of Kazakhstan

altA documentary in Russian on how Rakhat Aliyev became one of the most feared individuals in Kazakhstan.


The video might be used as an alternative to the recent book publication by Aliyev, in which he claims to be a victim of President Nazarbayev by demanding democratic changes in the country.


Although everybody knows that current Kazakhstan is not the center of democracy and pluralism in the Central Asian region, the film might show that Rakhat is not what he claims to be.


It gives clear evidence about the criminal mind behind "Rocky", as he was called by Western diplomats while serving as Kazakh Ambassador to the OSCE and Austria.


Black Raiders from Tse Grad on Vimeo.





Eurasian Transition Group (ETG) is an international non-for-profit NGO, based in Western Europe. The main goal of our work is to promote democratic transformation, civil rights and liberty, freedom of the media in the region of Central Asia.

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