
The government should think on perspectives too

dom_pravitelstvaIn solving of necessary economical problems and implementation of anti-crisis policy it is impossible to forget the perspectives. Kazakhstan needs modernization of economy, establishment and development of new industrial areas, which would cover evident empty spaces in producing structure, taking the republic out of crude economy dependency. This requires attention as late as now, and such measures are to be containing itself as the important part of anti-crisis program.



2009 11 04 dom_pravitelstvaPeople are hard to be assured that the crisis is over. People should see things in such way by their own eyes, to feel it in their own pocket. When it would appear that new factories are being built and placed in commission; that Kazakhstani enterprises are developing new technologies and new products, then it would be clear and obvious, that crisis has been overcame. Meanwhile – yes, maybe we’d stopped descending to crisis bottom, but instead we are still there — in a pit, by essence.


Now the specific distinction in implementation is seen virtually in one and the same anti-crisis directives of Kazakhstani government and Samruk-Kazyna National Fund. The fund solving most difficult problems of Kazakhstani economy as it can, which are: recovery of banking sector of the economy and upholding of construction; and it also creates new sectors of industry in Kazakhstan. During the last year major investment in domestic production of locomotives and cars for railroads has been made. But the fund isn’t stopping on this. Next thing in the agenda is establishment of new sector – a power economy based on renewable resources, in which the fund is relying on cooperation with PRC: We have signed the agreement on strategic principles of cooperation with Guangdong Nuclear Energy Corporation, which is the biggest Chinese operator on renewable energy field, specifically wind and solar power and hydro plants. In October of the current year the delegation of that company will visit Kazakhstan, and as soon as the end of November we will establish joint venture with one of the companies, selected by Samruk-Kazyna state owned holding, — stated Kairat Kelimbetov, CEO of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund.


I believe that in closest perspective wind power stations would be built in Kazakhstan, since its connected to energy saving bill, which is now being considered by the Parliament, — underlined Kelimbetov. After building of new railroad machinery factories his words are pretty convincing.


Karim Masimov, the head of the government, is controversially relying on traditional methods: utilization of state finance, supporting of crude sectors of economy and exporting of its products and operative governance also. It is his famous teleconferences: “teleconferences are very helpful to us to hold everyone in good shape”, — told Karim Masimov. Typical line of Masimov’s statements – exploitation of generalized indicators. For instance, on one of the conferences about anti-crisis measures implementation under chairmanship of Nursultan Nazarbayev, which had been on June 2009, Masimov stated that for two month of government work (means April to May) 42 billion of tenge been invested in multiple projects, and 68 thousand workplaces been created. On enlarged session of parliament fraction of Nur Otan party been held in Mazhilis (Lower chamber of the Parliament) on 22 of June 2009 Masimov mentioned the different figure – 100 thousand workplaces. But what kind of projects, what workplaces — has been never mentioned in his speech. But it is the substantial question, because for example specific workplaces creation for high-qualified specialists and for graduates is the task of priority.


Another example – on the same session of Nur Otan fraction Masimov spoke on refinancing of 2.5 thousand of mortgage loans. It seemed like the reason to be happy, but it wasn’t, however; because the problem appeared to be much more complicated. Banks are now carrying tough line on debt collection, penalty charges, late fees, also extensively confiscating collateralized flats and houses. It is said in deputy inquiry of Mazhilis member Nikolay Turetsky addressed to Kazakhstani prime-minister Karim Masimov that this problem is touching upon 30 thousand people or so. It follows that refinancing of mortgage loans is inadequate, and behind generalized figures the prime-minister didn’t see real-world conflict. Thus, being involved with generalized indicators and figures is the thing of danger.


Obviously, most of activities of Kazakhstani government and Samruk-Kazyna Fund are complementary, sorting out the same economical problems. Rational allocation of duties is also present, when the government is engaged in ongoing matters and the fund is focused on solving most difficult and strategically important issues.


On the other hand, however, seems that Kairat Kelimbetov has another kind of approach to his duties than Karim Masimov. First of all, the CEO of Samruk-Kazyna Fund is way more focused on business rather than statements. Secondly, Kelimbetov has much deeper understanding of strategic tasks, giving the accent on forming long-term positive shifts of Kazakhstani economy. To say, his approach to support renewable resources power is just the kind of solution from this line. Development of wind and solar power resources could solve many issues, which are reluctant to be solved by traditional methods.


Comparison of activities of the two agencies is indicating that governmental level has lack of strategic approach and full reading of the priorities in implementation of one or another task. It is the government to organize modernization and structural rebuilding of the economy of Kazakhstan; it is the one which must support the most of important projects, enabling long-term shifts of economy. The prime-minister has way more possibilities to do this.


But the government is heavily involved in ongoing tasks, and that means only Samruk-Kazyna Fund is engaged in modernization of the economy, from which Kazakhstani possibilities to overcome of the crisis is crucially depend on. It means that modernization of the economy is going half-steam, being not supported by all possible means. It is necessary for the government to correct this obliquity and to pay attention to projects of long-term strategic importance.


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