
Sheinkman’s case should be considered in full accordance to legislation – Israel’s Foreign Minister

The deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Avigdor Liberman considers that the case of Boris Sheinkman should be considered in strict accordance to legislation, news agency KAzTAG reports.



On March 30, the Investigatory department of the National Security Committee (KNB) of Kazakhstan brought official case on the fact of swindle concerning the 62-years-old citizen of Israel Boris Sheinkman who represented in Kazakhstan interests of the companies of Israel’s military industry. At present the businessman is in Astanainsulator of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan.


“We consider that this question should be considered in full accordance with the legislation. Our embassy is engaged in studying the case. So, I do not think that it is necessary to interfere with more legal processes”, the minister told yesterday, answering a question of journalists whether “the question of Sheinkman’s stay in the investigatory insulator of the KNB” was discussed at the minister’s meeting with the President of Kazakhstan.




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