
Kazakh KazMunaiGas EP says oil unit strike over. Lost 12,000 tonnes of oil output

ALMATY, March 19 (Reuters) - Oil workers at Kazakh producer KazMunaiGas Exploration and Production (KMG EP) (KMGq.L) have ended a three-week strike at the OzenMunaiGas (OMG) oil-production unit, the company said on Friday.

"As a result of prolonged and uneasy talks the sides have reached several agreements on all the issues raised by workers on strike," KMG EP said in a statement.

"Since all the issues have been resolved all workers at the OzenMunaiGas unit are resuming work from March 19, 2010."

KazMunaiGas EP, a London-listed subsidiary of Kazakh state energy firm KazMunaiGas [KMG.UL], has said its output loss was 12,000 tonnes due to the strike. It plans to produce 9.2 million tonnes of oil from its fields this year.

The company has said workers were unhappy with a revised pay structure that cut bonus payments in favour of regular wages. It did not give any details of its new agreements with the workers. (Writing by Olzhas Auyezov; Editing by Ed Lane)

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