
Kazakhstan, Kashagan shareholders agree on production sharing

kashaganKazakhstan and shareholders of Kashagan oil field have signed the rules of sampling oil, gas and sulfur at this field, Kazakhstan’s Energy Ministry said.

The sampling rules determine the schedule, storage, measuring and forecasts of production, distribution and calculation of the volume of production at Kashagan field in the process of production sharing between Kazakhstan and contractor companies.

The talks on the sampling rules have been going on for several years.

Kashagan is a large oil and gas field in Kazakhstan, located in the north of the Caspian Sea

The geological reserves of Kashagan are estimated at 4.8 billion tons of oil. The total oil reserves amount to 38 billion barrels; some 10 billion out of them are recoverable reserves. There are large natural gas reserves at the Kashagan field - over one trillion cubic meters.
The production at the Kashagan field started in September 2013, but in October, it was suspended after a gas leak in one of the main pipelines.

It is planned the resume the production at the field in October 2016.

North Caspian Operating Company BV (NCOC) consortium is engaged in developing the project. Currently, the shareholders are: KMG Kashagan BV (16.88 percent), AGIP Caspian Sea BV (nearly 16.81 percent), Exxon Mobil Kazakhstan Inc. (nearly 16.81 percent), Shell Kazakhstan Development BV (nearly 16.81 percent), Total E&P Kazakhstan (nearly 16.81 percent), INPEX North Caspian Sea Ltd. (7.56 percent) and CNPC Kazakhstan BV (8.33 percent).

Trend.az, 25.06.2016


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