Monthly Archive

August 2016

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 8 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Events and opinions

Oil Gives Pause to $64 Billion Kazakh Wealth Fund on Asset Sales

The crash in crude prices may have nudged Kazakhstan toward its biggest wave of privatization in history, but its wealth fund is now willing to bide its time for a recovery in oil to take hold. Samru... read more..

Events and opinions

NZ court orders Mega personal data to be handed over

Sensitive online information will be handed over as early as next week, from cloud storage company Mega to a Central Asian government pursuing dissident hackers. Kazakhstan is pursuing the source of ... read more..


Kazakhstan seeks International Arbitration ruling over investment in Romania

KMGI Deputy Director General Azamat Zhangulov talks to New Europe in an interview about his company’s investment in the Balkans region Nine years ago, in the Balkans, three important facilities start... read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakhstan: EXPO Pension Raid Report Raises Hackles

Authorities in Kazakhstan have had to mount a rearguard battle against claims that they have dipped into the state pension pot to fund the showcase EXPO-2017 fair in Astana. A few media outlets, news... read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakhstan: Doping Scandal Casts Gloom Over Olympic Hopes

Discoveries of drug cheating by some of Kazakhstan’s sporting heroes have injected a dispiriting note into preparations for the upcoming Olympics Games in Rio de Janeiro. The euphoria inspired by the... read more..

Events and opinions

Cameron offered £36m new job that comes with a free bus pass but he has to be circumcised

He has lost his job and tied home in London but David Cameron is in demand in Kazakhstan where he has been offered an advisor's role with a £36m annual salary – plus "a harem of the most beautiful gir... read more..

Events and opinions

Lithuanian court refuses to extradite Kazakh billionaire’s Mukhtar Ablyazov’s brother-in-law to Ukraine and Kazakhstan

On 29 July, 2016 Court of Appeal of Lithuania has announced its final and undeniable decision, by which the Court has refused to extradite Kazakh billionaire’s Mukhtar Ablyazov’s brother-in-law Syrym ... read more..

Events and opinions

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Reject Turkish Calls to Close Gülen Schools.

With the Turkish government asking countries around the world to shutter schools linked to Fethullah Gülen’s movement, governments on the receiving end of such requests have to measure several interes... read more..

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